Features overview

Remove ground clutter

To remove ground clutter from raw data there exists a function from \(\omega radlib\) based on all polarimetric variables and on a static clutter map, which is generated over a long time period. Pixels which are identified as clutter were excluded from further processing by setting the pixels to NaN. For processing a clutter map, the package includes a function to read only the values from raw data sequentially to not overload the memory. Here is an example before and after removing ground clutter using WRaINfo.


Attenuation correction

Rainfall-induced attenuation is a major source of underestimation for radar-based precipitation estimation at X-band. After phase processing, the attenuation correction is used with the approach of Testud et al. (2001) is used. Here is an example before and after attenuation correction using WRaINfo and the differences.


Precipitation Estimation

There exist several methods for deriving the amount of precipitation from reflectivity. In general, the z - R conversion is used. The precipitation amount is determined with an integration interval (in seconds) based on the scan interval.


Georeferencing and gridding

After clutter and attenuation correction as well as precipitation estimation, the polar data are georeferenced using the specified EPSG code and saved as a NetCDF file. Here is an example of a georeferenced dataset.
